Short training and Certifiantes

1. Social economy, solidarity

Animation, management and operation of peasant organizations

Creation of ESS business

Institutional development and organizational strengthening of SSEs

Coaching of social and solidarity economy organizations


2. Project management

Participatory approaches in project management

Engineering of development projects

Setting up and monitoring and evaluation of projects

Planning and managing results-oriented projects

Results-based monitoring-evaluation

3. Gender, population and development

Strengthening women’s action capacities

Training of trainers in gender and development

Gender leadership and sustainable development

Local governance and citizen participation

4. Governance, local development and citizenship

Entrepreneurship and incubation of young people

Administrative Management of Territorial Communities (GACT)

Conflict management, community mediation and social cohesion

Strengthening of Local Governance and Management of Local Communities

Techniques for mobilizing local resources

5. Environment and Sustainable Development

Conservation of crops and marketing

Creation and rehabilitation of parks and green spaces

Fertilization by composting and restoration of soil structure

Reforestation and awareness raising on eco-citizenship

Sea and land transport

6. Administrative, documentary and communication management

Participatory communication for development

Training of trainers in training engineering

Management of current archives and administrative information

7. New technologies for development

The basics of IT security in an organization

Web.20 for development ;

Introduction to office automation

Introduction to DTP

Techniques for finding data on the Internet

Community Manager Training

Analysis and data processing in Social Sciences

Documents joints

Dans la même rubrique

Adresse IPD


278-Avenue Bendogo, 01 BP 1756 Ouagadougou 01 - BURKINA FASO

Tél.: (226) 25 40 86 21 / 25 40 86 95 / 25 36 47 62
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